NYC Middle/High School Field Experience – February, 2022

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Dr. Maria Montessori was a big fan of field experiences. In her words, it was important for students to take “outings” or to “go out.” In 1948, Dr. Montessori wrote: “The outing whose aim is neither purely that of personal hygiene nor that of a practical order, but which makes an experience live, will make the child conscious of realities . . . . When the child goes out, it is the world itself that offers itself to him. Let us take the child out to show him real things instead of making objects which represent ideas and closing them up in cupboards.”

Continuum middle and high schoolers enjoy an authentic immersion experience in New York City, often paired with their participation in the Montessori Model United Nations, or other location of their critically researched choosing that runs with their studies for the year (e.g., Quebec, California, the Florida Keys). With every “going out”, they return with their eyes a little wider and their lives a little richer as they experience actually living in another culture.

While part of the field experience is guided and within our trip goals, the students look forward to pairing up and exploring the city independently, having their own adventures and experiences. They gather together to reflect, share stories, and marvel at each other’s learning and growth.

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